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A member registered Aug 18, 2018

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The Funky Worm is an endless runner game ! you must dodge the obstacles and there are some lucky boxes that can give you an ability to dig into the ground and hide 5 sec approximately ! and it is able to give you lifes or nothing ! 

the game speed up by time and get's harder and there is a highscore system 

in the next update the game will have a skins shop and extra ...

and will have more abilities to use !

The Game Is On pc but in the next updates maybe it will contain a mobile version !

There are some bugs like in the UI And Resolution ! We Will Try To fix these bugs in the next updates !

so don't forget to share the game  , also give us your feedback and report the bugs you found !

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(1 edit)

The Funky Worm is an endless runner game ! you must dodge the obstacles and there are some lucky boxes that can give you an ability to dig into the ground and hide 5 sec approximately ! and it is able to give you lifes or nothing ! 

the game speed up by time and get's harder and there is a highscore system 

in the next update the game will have a skins shop and extra ...

and will have more abilities to use !

The Game Is On pc but in the next updates maybe it will contain a mobile version !

There are some bugs like in the UI And Resolution ! We Will Try To fix these bugs in the next updates !

so don't forget to share the game  , also give us your feedback and report the bugs you found !

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A Gameplay :